John Mason and John Cure Purchase Flour Facility and Return to Founding Name Panhandle Milling

For Immediate Release
"There are phenomenal people at this plant," Mason said. "The amount of people that have been here 30 plus years is impressive. It tells a lot, it tells a story, it's a story about people that have dedicated their working career to this place."

DAWN, TX (KFDA) – John Mason and John Cure have purchased the Richard Milling flour facility and will return to its 1985 founding name Panhandle Milling, LLC.

Mason said they are using the plant’s original name because it has a good reputation with the community.

“All the owners that have purchased it or bought it someway or another had the name Panhandle Milling and I just thought it made all the sense in the world to call it and rename it to Panhandle Milling,” Mason said.

Current employees will stay with the company and Mason appreciates their work.

“There are phenomenal people at this plant,” Mason said. “The amount of people that have been here 30 plus years is impressive. It tells a lot, it tells a story, it’s a story about people that have dedicated their working career to this place.”

Cure said he’s excited to be part of a group of people that have pride in their business. “The dedication from this team combined with the superior local products will lead to great opportunities,” Cure said.

The facility produces organic, whole grain, high-gluten flours, and bread-flour, which are large sellers in the Texas markets. The new owners want to continue to produce more organic products.

Mason wants the business to be more involved with the community and local farmers.

“We want it to be more farmer-friendly,” Mason said. “I mean this place was built on farmers and individuals that were producing products. We want to be that partner again with the growers in the area. We want to be a place that people come to, we want to be a place that we’re easy to do business with, and more importantly, we help the grower and the agricultural community.”

Mason has great expectations for the business. “Build a business that people want to do business with, the farmer wants to sell their agricultural products to us, customers want to buy from us, but most importantly our employees feel involved and want to be part of a growing business,” Mason said.


Elizabeth Pearson
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Phone: 303-927-0765